Consulting Hospitals
Dr. Mayank Bansal, MD (AIIMS), can be consulted at the following locations in Delhi and Gurugram.
Each Location provides a clear benefit for a more tailored approach to your overall health needs.
Claritas Eye & Retina Institute, Panchsheel Enclave, Delhi: Eye Care Clinic, dedicated for only eye care.
Max Healthcare, Delhi: One of the leading health institute providing world class healthcare services including eye care.
Fortis Hospital, Gurgaon: Full fledged multi-speciality hospital , for in-patient care, admissions, ICU, Dialysis, Full General Anesthesia facility, Pediatrics, Cardiology, Nephrology, Endocrinology - especially suited for patients with multiple co-existing problems in addition to the eye condition.
We request you to WhatsApp or Call or Fill the Form on Appointments page to schedule an appointment, Thank you 🙏🏼
Eye Treatments:
Advanced Constellation Sutureless Micro-incisional Vitreo-Retinal Surgery & Retinal Laser
Macular Surgery
Sutureless Phaco Cataract Surgery
Anti-VEGF, Steroid Injections
Eye Ultrasound - A & B scan
FFA - Fundus Angiography